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62.021 ~ 1441 ~ Oncocera semirubella ~ Rosy-striped Knot-horn
UK Status

Resident. Found mostly in the southern most counties of England, local in Wales.

Montgomeryshire Status

This species was first recorded in 2016 at Middletown in the north-east of the county.

Wingspan :   M & F 17-29mm.

Confusion species

Flight time & Voltinity (Univoltine)


Mainly on chalk or limestone.


Bird's-foot trefoil and clover

Lifestage data

Web forming. Eggs on foodplant. Larva feeds on leaves, later in a dense web. Pupates in a dense cocoon on plant or the ground.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by DB, 23rd July 2016, Middletown