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62.038 ~ 1437 ~ Acrobasis consociella ~ Broad-barred Knot-horn
UK Status

Resident. A fairly common and widespread species, found in Britain as far north as southern Scotland.

Montgomeryshire Status

This species was first recorded in 2013 at Middletown in the east of the county. It is also the first record for north Wales.

Wingspan :   M & F 18-23mm.

Confusion species

Can be fairly similar to other species of Acrobasis.
Flight time & Voltinity (Univoltine +)


Oak woodland.



Lifestage data

Spinning. Eggs laid on a foodplant. Larva feed gregariously in a silken web amongst the leaves. It hibernates, then pupates in the spring, attached to a leaf within the spinning.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by DB, 26th July 2013, Middletown