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63.051 ~ 1400 ~ Antigastra catalaunalis ~ Spanish Dot
UK Status

Migrant. A rare migrant to the British Isles, mainly found in the southern counties of England.

Montgomeryshire Status

This very rare species was first recorded in Middletown in the north-east of the county in 2011.

Wingspan :   M & F, 19-22mm.

Confusion species

Nascia cilialis.
Flight time & Voltinity (?)


Could turn up anywhere.


Antirrhinum, linaria vulgaris & sesame.

Lifestage data

Eggs laid on foodplant. The Larva makes shelter by rolling up young leaves and webbing them together with silk. They feed inside their shelter. Pupal site unknown.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by DB, 3rd Oct 2011, Middletown