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49.244 ~ 1132 ~ Epinotia subocellana ~ White Sallow Bell
UK Status

Resident. Fairly common and widely distributed throughout the British Isles.

Montgomeryshire Status

Discovered in the east of the county at Middletown in 2011 and since than at two further sites in the south of the county.

Wingspan :   M & F, 10-14mm.

Confusion species

A fairly distinctive species.
Flight time & Voltinity (Univoltine)


Woodland, and wet or boggy places.


Various sallow species.

Lifestage data

Spinning. Eggs laid on foodplant. Larva lives and feeds within flatly spun leaves. Pupa yellowish-brown spun up in leaf litter.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by DB, 6th May 2011, Middletown