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49.153 ~ 1096 ~ Apotomis sauciana ~ Bilberry Marble
UK Status

Resident. Widespread and locally common throughout England and Wales as far north as Durham.

Montgomeryshire Status

Two fairly old records from the western side of the county and found in 2010 at Lake Vyrnwy.

Wingspan :   M & F, 14-17mm.

Confusion species

Endothenia grevillana.
Flight time & Voltinity (Univoltine)


Open woodland and moorland.



Lifestage data

Spinning. Eggs laid on foodplant. Larva loosely spins the terminal leaves together, living within and eating the tips of the leaves. Pupates spun up in larval habitation.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by MDH, 8th July 2010, L.Vyrnwy