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49.013 ~ 0977 ~ Archips podana ~ Large Fruit-tree Tortrix
UK Status

Resident. Widespread and common throughout England and Wales, rare in Scotland.

Montgomeryshire Status

Recorded at several scattered sites across the county.

Wingspan :   M. 15-21mm. F. 16-23mm.

Confusion species

A. oporana and A. betulana.
Flight time & Voltinity (Univoltine+)


Wherever foodplant is found.


Many trees and shrubs.

Lifestage data

Spinning. Eggs laid on upper surface of leaves. Larva forms a spinning beneath the leaf, or attaches a leaf to the fruit and feeds within. Pupates in larval habitation.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by PRW, 18th July 2006, Commins Coch

Photo by PRW, 12th July 2012, Commins Coch
Pic shows a male.