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35.133 ~ 0832 ~ Caryocolum blandella ~ Short-barred Groundling
UK Status

Resident. Widespread and common throughout Britain as far north as Berwickshire.

Montgomeryshire Status

Recorded from a few scattered sites across the county.

Wingspan :   M & F, 9.5-14.5mm.

Confusion species

C. blandulella, C. blandelloides and C. heubneri.
Flight time & Voltinity (Univoltine)


Wherever the foodplant is found.


Greater stitchwort.

Lifestage data

Spinning/leaf miner. Eggs, oviposition site unknown. Larva first makes a long slender mine close to midrib, later it feeds on leaves, buds and within spun terminal shoots. Pupates in whitish cocoon in leaf litter.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by PRW, 10th Aug 2006, Commins Coch

Photo by DB, 26th July 2012, Middletown