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37.05 ~ 0532 ~ Coleophora albidella ~ White Sallow Case-bearer
UK Status

Resident. Found in the southern half of Britain, more common in the south.

Montgomeryshire Status

First recorded in the east of the county at Middletown in 2012.

Wingspan :   M & F 13-16mm.

Confusion species

Care should be taken as other species of Coleophora can look very similar.
Flight time & Voltinity (Univoltine)


Fens, bogs and damp woodland.


Sallows and Willows.

Lifestage data

Case-bearing. Larva bores into expanding leaf buds, and later skeletonises young leaves. It builds a 'pistol case' from silk and fragments of leaf and frass. Pupates inside the case, on the upper surface of a leaf.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by DB, 22nd July 2012, Middletown
Confirmed by gen det (ANG)

Photo by MW, 3rd Apr 2014, Cors Dyfi
Pic shows 'pistol' case on willow

Photo by MW, 3rd Apr 2014, Cors Dyfi
Pic shows detached 'pistol' case

Photo by GW, 10th July 2015, Cors Dyfi
Pic shows 'pistol' case