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8.001 ~ 0129 ~ Incurvaria pectinea ~ Pale Feathered Leaf-cutter
UK Status

Resident. Quite well distributed throughout the British Isles, but more common further north.

Montgomeryshire Status

Recorded from a handful of well scattered sites in the north and west of the county.

Wingspan :   M & F, 12-16mm.

Confusion species

Some species of Incurvaria are very similar. One of the best ways of separating them is to identify the pupal case.
Flight time & Voltinity (Univoltine)


Wherever the foodplant is found.



Lifestage data

Leaf miner/Case-bearing. Eggs laid on leaf. Larva forms small white blotches, then a case which falls to ground. The larva continues to feed and case is finally attached to a vertical surface where pupation takes place.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by AMB, 11th June 2010, Lake Vyrnwy