home > county list > macro moths > 2466 Blackneck (542 of 553)
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72.063 ~ 2466 ~ Blackneck ~ Lygephila pastinum
UK Status

Resident. Local S,C.

Montgomeryshire Status

First recorded in 2010 in the extreme east and west of the county. Since then it has been found at a few other scattered sites across the county.

Wingspan :  M & F, 41-48mm.

Confusion species

Scarce Blackneck.
Flight time (Montgomeryshire)


Many damp or wet places.


Tufted vetch, marsh pea and wild liquorice.

Lifestage data

Overwinters as an egg. Larva May-early July. Pupates in a cocoon in the debris on the ground.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by DB, 20th July 2011, Middletown