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72.078 ~ 2452 ~ Red Underwing ~ Catocala nupta
UK Status

Resident. Common S,C.

Montgomeryshire Status

A fairly uncommon species, but it has been recorded from scattered sites, mainly across the eastern side of the county.

Wingspan :  M & F, 70-90mm.

Confusion species

Rosy Underwing and French Red Underwing.
Flight time (Montgomeryshire)


Parkland, woodland, scrub, carr, riverbanks and gardens.


Poplars, aspen and willows.

Lifestage data

Overwinters as an egg laid on the bark. Larva May-July. Pupates either on the plant or amongst the leaf litter.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by MDH, 16th Sept 2009, Llanfyllin