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73.014 ~ 2437 ~ Golden Plusia ~ Polychrysia moneta
UK Status

Resident. Common S,C,(N).

Montgomeryshire Status

A rare species, only recorded in recent times from Middletown in the far east of the county.

Wingspan :  M & F, 38-44mm.

Confusion species

Flight time (Montgomeryshire)


Gardens and parks.


Leaves, flowerbuds and unripe seeds of cultivated delphiniums & larkspur.

Lifestage data

Overwinters gregariously as small larva in a web and singly later. Larva August-June. Pupates in yellow cocoon formed on underside of foodplant leaves.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by DB, 7th July 2014, Middletown

Photo by DB, 7th July 2014, Middletown