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73.0375 ~ 2284x ~ Dark_Grey Dagger agg. ~ Acronicta sp.
UK Status

Resident. DD=Common S,C,(N) GD=Common.

Montgomeryshire Status

Both species present. Adults of both species appear identical to the naked eye, but larva are completely different. Adult males can be separated in a fairly non-invasive manner, just follow the procedure shown in the 'Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland' (Paul Waring & Martin Townsend). Females need genitalia examination to separate them.

Wingspan :  M & F, 34-45mm.

Confusion species

Flight time (Montgomeryshire)


Many habitats, especially woodland.


Wide range of broadleaf trees.

Lifestage data

Both species overwinter as a pupa in a silken cocoon beneath bark, in crevice or under rotten wood. Grey Dagger larva July-early Sept & Sept-early Nov. Dark Dagger larva July-Oct.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by MDH, 5th June 2010, Llanfyllin