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72.011 ~ 2034 ~ Gypsy Moth ~ Lymantria dispar
UK Status

RDB Immigrant, former resident.

Montgomeryshire Status

Migrant. First recorded in 2013 at Commins Coch in the west of the county. This species has never been recorded previously in north Wales and it is only the second record for the whole of Wales.

Wingspan :  M & F, 48-65mm.

Confusion species

Black Arches.
Flight time (Montgomeryshire)


Prefers open fenland, but can be found almost anywhere.


Bog Myrtle and creeping willow

Lifestage data

Overwinters as an egg. Larva April-late June. The young larvae are dispersed by the wind, sometimes for many miles. Pupates in a flimsy cocoon in the leaf litter.
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by PRW, 22nd Sept 2013, Commins Coch