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72.01 ~ 2033 ~ Black Arches ~ Lymantria monacha
UK Status

Resident. Local S,(C).

Montgomeryshire Status

A fairly common species, found throughout the county.

Wingspan :  M & F, 44-54mm.

Confusion species

Flight time (Montgomeryshire)


Mainly mature oak woodland.


Mainly oak, also found on hawthorn, silver birch, aspen, elm, and Scots pine.

Lifestage data

Overwinters as an egg laid either singly or in pairs on the bark or the foodplant . Larva April-June. Pupates in a slight cocoon in the foliage or attached to a branch. 
Montgomeryshire photos

Photo by PB, 26th July 2011, Morben ISAF

Photo by PB, 19th Aug 2012, Morben ISAF
Pic shows dark form.