county list
macro moths
1788 Scarce Tissue
(120 of 553)
70.122 ~ 1788 ~ Scarce Tissue ~
Rheumaptera cervinalis
UK Status
Resident. Local S,C.
Montgomeryshire Status
First recorded in 2013 at Middletown in the north-east of the county. This was the first record for north Wales since 1928.
Wingspan :
M & F, 42-48mm.
Confusion species
The Tissue.
Flight time (Montgomeryshire)
Hedgerows, parks and gardens.
Barberry and berberis sp.
Lifestage data
Overwinters as an adult in caves and other dark places. Larva June to July.
Montgomeryshire photos
Photo by DB, 31st May 2013, Middletown
Photo by DB, 31st May 2013, Middletown
Pic shows diagonostic two black dots on leading edge of forewing
Photo by DB, 31st May 2013, Middletown
Pic shows diagnostic features on underside of forewing