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Montgomeryshire Moth Group ~ Species Distribution

Species recorded in Montgomeryshire 10km grid square - SJ22
(List generated on 15/02/25)

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ABHBFCommon NameTaxonVC47 StatusLast Recorded
3.005 14 Ghost Moth Hepialus humuli A 08-06-2020
3.001 15 Orange Swift Triodia sylvina B 10-08-2013
3.004 16 Gold Swift Phymatopus hecta C 29-06-1953
3.002 17 Common Swift Korscheltellus lupulina B 11-06-2022
50.002 161 Leopard Moth Zeuzera pyrina B 01-07-2017
54.008 169s1 Six-spot Burnet Zygaena filipendulae B 10-08-2023
54.01 170 Five-spot Burnet Zygaena trifolii B 18-07-2019
54.009 171s1 Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet Zygaena lonicerae C 26-07-2023
52.014 382 Six-belted Clearwing Bembecia ichneumoniformis C 28-07-2021
66.001 1631 December Moth Poecilocampa populi B 16-11-2021
66.002 1632 Pale Eggar Trichiura crataegi B 24-08-2019
66.005 1633 Small Eggar Eriogaster lanestris C 02-06-2024
66.007 1637 Oak Eggar Lasiocampa quercus A 15-07-2021
66.008 1638 Fox Moth Macrothylacia rubi A 29-05-1989
66.01 1640 Drinker Euthrix potatoria A 01-08-2024
65.002 1646 Oak Hook-tip Watsonalla binaria A 11-08-2021
65.005 1648 Pebble Hook-tip Drepana falcataria A 23-07-2022
65.007 1651 Chinese Character Cilix glaucata A 01-08-2024
65.008 1652 Peach Blossom Thyatira batis A 24-06-2020
65.009 1653 Buff Arches Habrosyne pyritoides A 23-07-2022
65.01 1654s1 Figure of Eighty Tethea ocularis B 01-06-2017
65.013 1657 Common Lutestring Ochropacha duplaris A 01-06-2017
65.016 1659s1 Yellow Horned Achlya flavicornis B 22-08-1930
65.015 1660 Frosted Green Polyploca ridens B 19-04-2017
70.203 1661 Orange Underwing Archiearis parthenias C 26-03-2012
70.245 1663 March Moth Alsophila aescularia A 19-04-2017
70.297 1665s1 Grass Emerald Pseudoterpna pruinata B 08-06-2020
70.299 1666 Large Emerald Geometra papilionaria A 15-07-2021
70.305 1669 Common Emerald Hemithea aestivaria A 16-06-2018
70.302 1673 Small Emerald Hemistola chrysoprasaria C 17-07-2022
70.303 1674 Little Emerald Jodis lactearia C 01-06-2017
70.037 1681 Clay Triple-lines Cyclophora linearia C 17-07-2017
70.029 1682 Blood-vein Timandra comae A 28-08-2021
70.024 1690 Small Blood-vein Scopula imitaria B 27-06-2023
70.027 1693 Cream Wave Scopula floslactata A 01-06-2017
70.013 1702 Small Fan-footed Wave Idaea biselata A 23-07-2022
70.006 1705 Dwarf Cream Wave Idaea fuscovenosa C 11-07-2020
70.008 1707 Small Dusty Wave Idaea seriata C 22-07-1989
70.011 1708 Single-dotted Wave Idaea dimidiata A 01-08-2024
70.009 1709 Satin Wave Idaea subsericeata C 16-06-2018
70.016 1713 Riband Wave Idaea aversata A 01-08-2024
70.053 1722 Flame Carpet Xanthorhoe designata A 01-08-2024
70.051 1724 Red Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe spadicearia B 29-05-2020
70.052 1725 Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet Xanthorhoe ferrugata B 24-06-2020
70.054 1727 Silver-ground Carpet Xanthorhoe montanata A 17-06-2018
70.049 1728 Garden Carpet Xanthorhoe fluctuata A 23-09-2022
70.045 1732 Shaded Broad-bar Scotopteryx chenopodiata B 23-07-2022
70.04 1733s1 Lead Belle Scotopteryx mucronata C 03-06-1930
70.041 1734s1 July Belle Scotopteryx luridata B 28-07-1998
70.061 1738 Common Carpet Epirrhoe alternata A 01-08-2024
70.063 1740 Galium Carpet Epirrhoe galiata C 16-06-2018
70.059 1742 Yellow Shell Camptogramma bilineata B 30-06-2020
70.066 1746 Shoulder Stripe Earophila badiata A 31-03-2021
70.067 1747 Streamer Anticlea derivata A 21-04-2021
70.103 1750 Water Carpet Lampropteryx suffumata A 19-04-2017
70.104 1751 Devon Carpet Lampropteryx otregiata A 10-08-2012
70.087 1752 Purple Bar Cosmorhoe ocellata A 16-06-2018
70.089 1754 Phoenix Eulithis prunata B 16-06-2018
70.093 1758 Barred Straw Gandaritis pyraliata A 21-07-2021
70.094 1759 Small Phoenix Ecliptopera silaceata A 01-08-2024
70.095 1760 Red-green Carpet Chloroclysta siterata A 04-04-2020
70.096 1761 Autumn Green Carpet Chloroclysta miata C 20-10-1948
70.098 1762 Dark Marbled Carpet Dysstroma citrata B 04-09-2017
70.097 1764 Common Marbled Carpet Dysstroma truncata A 01-08-2024
70.085 1765 Barred Yellow Cidaria fulvata A 16-06-2018
70.077 1767 Pine Carpet Pennithera firmata B 23-09-2017
70.081 1768 Grey Pine Carpet Thera obeliscata C 22-07-1989
70.079 1769 Spruce Carpet Thera britannica A 16-09-2020
70.082 1771 Juniper Carpet Thera juniperata C 20-10-2019
70.086 1773 Broken-barred Carpet Electrophaes corylata B 28-08-2021
70.1 1776 Green Carpet Colostygia pectinataria A 14-05-2024
70.074 1777 July Highflyer Hydriomena furcata A 23-07-2022
70.075 1778 May Highflyer Hydriomena impluviata A 25-05-2017
70.126 1781 Small Waved Umber Horisme vitalbata C 24-04-2020
70.128 1784 Pretty Chalk Carpet Melanthia procellata C 23-07-2022
70.123 1790 Tissue Triphosa dubitata C 12-02-2023
70.064 1793 Cloaked Carpet Euphyia biangulata B 01-08-2024
70.1075 1795x November Moth agg. Epirrita sp. B 20-12-2022
70.106 1799 Winter Moth Operophtera brumata A 03-12-2021
70.132 1802 Rivulet Perizoma affinitata B 02-07-2011
70.133 1803 Small Rivulet Perizoma alchemillata A 17-07-2017
70.131 1809 Twin-spot Carpet Mesotype didymata B 22-07-1989
70.146 1813 Haworth's Pug Eupithecia haworthiata C 16-06-2018
70.151 1817 Foxglove Pug Eupithecia pulchellata A 11-08-2021
70.184 1819 Mottled Pug Eupithecia exiguata B 16-06-2018
70.155 1823 Netted Pug Eupithecia venosata C 01-06-2017
70.173 1825 Lime-speck Pug Eupithecia centaureata C 23-07-2022
70.176 1827s1 Freyer's Pug Eupithecia intricata C 14-06-2020
70.179 1830 Wormwood Pug Eupithecia absinthiata B 16-06-2018
70.182 1832 Currant Pug Eupithecia assimilata B 01-08-2024
70.183 1834 Common Pug Eupithecia vulgata A 29-05-2020
70.19 1837 Grey Pug Eupithecia subfuscata A 26-05-2020
70.187 1838 Tawny Speckled Pug Eupithecia icterata B 23-07-2022
70.172 1843 Thyme Pug Eupithecia distinctaria C 01-07-2017
70.161 1851 Golden-rod Pug Eupithecia virgaureata A 01-08-2024
70.156 1852 Brindled Pug Eupithecia abbreviata A 20-05-2013
70.157 1853 Oak-tree Pug Eupithecia dodoneata B 20-05-2013
70.163 1856 Larch Pug Eupithecia lariciata C 17-07-2017
70.162 1857 Dwarf Pug Eupithecia tantillaria B 20-05-2013
70.142 1858 V-Pug Chloroclystis v-ata A 01-08-2024
70.144 1860 Green Pug Pasiphila rectangulata A 16-06-2018
70.145 1861 Bilberry Pug Pasiphila debiliata C 16-06-2018
70.141 1862 Double-striped Pug Gymnoscelis rufifasciata A 02-08-2021
70.114 1876 Small Yellow Wave Hydrelia flammeolaria B 01-06-2017
70.2 1883 Yellow-barred Brindle Acasis viretata B 23-07-2022
70.205 1884 Magpie Abraxas grossulariata A 01-08-2024
70.206 1885 Clouded Magpie Abraxas sylvata B 17-07-2017
70.207 1887 Clouded Border Lomaspilis marginata A 23-07-2022
70.214 1893 Tawny-barred Angle Macaria liturata A 16-06-2018
70.215 1897 V-Moth Macaria wauaria B 21-07-2021
70.222 1902 Brown Silver-line Petrophora chlorosata A 08-06-2020
70.223 1903 Barred Umber Plagodis pulveraria B 16-06-2018
70.224 1904 Scorched Wing Plagodis dolabraria A 29-05-2020
70.226 1906 Brimstone Moth Opisthograptis luteolata A 01-08-2024
70.227 1907 Bordered Beauty Epione repandaria B 23-07-2022
70.229 1909 Speckled Yellow Pseudopanthera macularia A 14-05-2024
70.231 1910 Lilac Beauty Apeira syringaria B 16-06-2018
70.233 1912 August Thorn Ennomos quercinaria C 19-08-2011
70.234 1913 Canary-shouldered Thorn Ennomos alniaria A 16-09-2020
70.235 1914 Dusky Thorn Ennomos fuscantaria A 11-09-2021
70.236 1915 September Thorn Ennomos erosaria A 13-08-2022
70.237 1917 Early Thorn Selenia dentaria A 01-08-2024
70.238 1918 Lunar Thorn Selenia lunularia B 12-06-2013
70.239 1919 Purple Thorn Selenia tetralunaria A 21-07-2021
70.24 1920 Scalloped Hazel Odontopera bidentata A 17-05-2020
70.241 1921 Scalloped Oak Crocallis elinguaria A 01-08-2024
70.243 1922 Swallow-tailed Moth Ourapteryx sambucaria A 23-07-2022
70.244 1923 Feathered Thorn Colotois pennaria A 18-11-2019
70.247 1926 Pale Brindled Beauty Phigalia pilosaria B 22-01-2020
70.251 1930 Oak Beauty Biston strataria B 24-03-1955
70.252 1931 Peppered Moth Biston betularia A 23-07-2022
70.255 1934 Dotted Border Agriopis marginaria B 19-03-2021
70.257 1936 Waved Umber Menophra abruptaria B 29-05-2020
70.258 1937 Willow Beauty Peribatodes rhomboidaria A 23-07-2022
70.264 1940 Satin Beauty Deileptenia ribeata C 02-07-2011
70.265 1941 Mottled Beauty Alcis repandata A 08-06-2020
70.288 1945 Brussels Lace Cleorodes lichenaria A 17-07-2022
70.27 1947 Engrailed Ectropis crepuscularia A 01-07-2017
70.276 1954 Bordered White Bupalus piniaria B 23-06-2012
70.277 1955 Common White Wave Cabera pusaria A 17-07-2017
70.278 1956 Common Wave Cabera exanthemata A 16-06-2018
70.279 1957 White-pinion Spotted Lomographa bimaculata B 09-05-2020
70.28 1958 Clouded Silver Lomographa temerata A 09-07-2022
70.282 1960 Early Moth Theria primaria B 07-02-2023
70.283 1961 Light Emerald Campaea margaritaria A 23-07-2022
70.284 1962 Barred Red Hylaea fasciaria B 01-08-2024
70.287 1964 Annulet Charissa obscurata C 04-09-2017
69.006 1976 Privet Hawk-moth Sphinx ligustri D 08-09-1957
69.001 1979 Lime Hawk-moth Mimas tiliae B 27-05-2012
69.003 1981 Poplar Hawk-moth Laothoe populi A 26-08-2022
69.01 1984 Humming-bird Hawk-moth Macroglossum stellatarum A 02-06-2023
69.016 1991 Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila elpenor A 25-05-2023
69.017 1992 Small Elephant Hawk-moth Deilephila porcellus A 02-06-2024
71.025 1994 Buff-tip Phalera bucephala A 15-07-2021
71.003 1995 Puss Moth Cerura vinula B 13-08-1930
71.006 1996 Alder kitten Furcula bicuspis B 25-05-2017
71.005 1997 Sallow Kitten Furcula furcula B 24-06-2020
71.009 1999 Lobster Moth Stauropus fagi A 16-06-2018
71.012 2000 Iron Prominent Notodonta dromedarius A 01-08-2024
71.013 2003 Pebble Prominent Notodonta ziczac A 30-07-2022
71.018 2006 Lesser Swallow Prominent Pheosia gnoma A 11-08-2021
71.017 2007 Swallow Prominent Pheosia tremula A 01-08-2024
71.021 2008 Coxcomb Prominent Ptilodon capucina A 23-07-2022
71.02 2011 Pale Prominent Pterostoma palpina A 01-08-2024
71.011 2015 Lunar Marbled Brown Drymonia ruficornis B 19-04-2017
73.033 2020 Figure of Eight Diloba caeruleocephala B 19-10-2020
72.017 2026 Vapourer Orgyia antiqua B 08-09-2021
72.015 2028 Pale Tussock Calliteara pudibunda A 17-09-2021
72.013 2030 Yellow-tail Euproctis similis A 01-08-2024
72.009 2031 White Satin Moth Leucoma salicis C 23-07-2022
72.037 2035 Round-winged muslin Thumatha senex C 17-07-2022
72.035 2037 Rosy Footman Miltochrista miniata B 09-07-1978
72.036 2038 Muslin Footman Nudaria mundana B 17-07-2022
72.042 2039 Red-necked Footman Atolmis rubricollis B 25-05-2017
72.049 2043 Orange Footman Eilema sororcula C 01-06-2017
72.044 2044 Dingy Footman Eilema griseola A 01-08-2024
72.046 2047 Scarce Footman Eilema complana A 23-07-2022
72.043 2049 Buff Footman Eilema depressa A 23-07-2022
72.045 2050 Common Footman Eilema lurideola A 01-08-2024
72.026 2057 Garden Tiger Arctia caja A 08-07-2018
72.02 2060 White Ermine Spilosoma lubricipeda A 08-06-2020
72.019 2061 Buff Ermine Spilosoma lutea A 03-09-2021
72.022 2063 Muslin Moth Diaphora mendica B 20-05-2020
72.024 2064 Ruby Tiger Phragmatobia fuliginosa A 01-08-2024
72.029 2068 Scarlet Tiger Callimorpha dominula A 19-04-2024
72.031 2069 Cinnabar Tyria jacobaeae A 13-08-2022
74.003 2077 Short-cloaked Moth Nola cucullatella B 24-06-2020
74.004 2078 Least Black Arches Nola confusalis A 29-04-2017
73.312 2080 Square-spot Dart Euxoa obelisca C 10-08-2013
73.316 2084 Light Feathered Rustic Agrotis cinerea C 01-06-2017
73.319 2087 Turnip Moth Agrotis segetum C 23-09-2017
73.32 2088 Heart & Club Agrotis clavis C 16-06-2018
73.317 2089 Heart & Dart Agrotis exclamationis A 01-08-2024
73.327 2091 Dark Sword-grass Agrotis ipsilon B 06-11-2020
73.325 2092 Shuttle-shaped dart Agrotis puta B 01-08-2024
73.328 2098 Flame Axylia putris A 17-07-2022
73.329 2102 Flame Shoulder Ochropleura plecta A 01-08-2024
73.342 2107 Large Yellow Underwing Noctua pronuba A 01-08-2024
73.345 2109 Lesser Yellow Underwing Noctua comes A 24-09-2022
73.343 2110 Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing Noctua fimbriata B 23-07-2022
73.348 2111 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing Noctua janthe A 13-08-2022
73.346 2112s1 Least Yellow Underwing Noctua interjecta B 30-07-2022
73.365 2117 Autumnal Rustic Eugnorisma glareosa B 23-09-2017
73.338 2118 True Lover's Knot Lycophotia porphyrea A 16-06-2018
73.333 2120 Ingrailed Clay Diarsia mendica A 16-06-2018
73.332 2122 Purple Clay Diarsia brunnea A 16-06-2018
73.334 2123 Small Square-spot Diarsia rubi A 28-08-2021
73.359 2126 Setaceous Hebrew Character Xestia c-nigrum A 24-09-2022
73.36 2127 Triple-spotted Clay Xestia ditrapezium A 23-07-2022
73.361 2128 Double Square-spot Xestia triangulum A 01-08-2024
73.353 2130 Dotted Clay Xestia baja A 10-08-2013
73.358 2133 Six-striped Rustic Xestia sexstrigata B 11-08-2021
73.357 2134 Square-spot Rustic Xestia xanthographa A 11-09-2021
73.368 2136 Gothic Naenia typica B 21-07-2021
73.352 2138 Green Arches Anaplectoides prasina B 16-06-2018
73.336 2139 Red Chestnut Cerastis rubricosa A 17-04-2020
73.273 2147 Shears Hada plebeja B 16-06-2018
73.261 2150 Grey Arches Polia nebulosa A 16-06-2018
73.274 2154 Cabbage Moth Mamestra brassicae C 22-07-1989
73.27 2155 Dot Moth Melanchra persicariae B 23-07-2022
73.263 2157 Light Brocade Lacanobia w-latinum C 25-05-2017
73.264 2158 Pale-shouldered Brocade Lacanobia thalassina A 16-06-2018
73.267 2160 Bright-line Brown-eye Lacanobia oleracea A 14-08-2023
73.271 2163 Broom Moth Ceramica pisi A 01-08-2024
73.276 2166 Campion Sideridis rivularis C 25-05-2017
73.281 2173 Lychnis Hadena bicruris B 04-08-2018
73.254 2176 Antler Moth Cerapteryx graminis A 10-08-2013
73.252 2177 Hedge Rustic Tholera cespitis B 01-08-2024
73.253 2178 Feathered Gothic Tholera decimalis A 28-08-2021
73.241 2179 Pine Beauty Panolis flammea B 20-05-2013
73.245 2182 Small Quaker Orthosia cruda A 14-04-2021
73.247 2186 Powdered Quaker Orthosia gracilis B 21-04-2021
73.244 2187 Common Quaker Orthosia cerasi A 23-03-2021
73.242 2188 Clouded Drab Orthosia incerta A 23-03-2021
73.25 2189 Twin-spotted Quaker Anorthoa munda A 23-03-2021
73.249 2190 Hebrew Character Orthosia gothica A 21-04-2021
73.29 2192 Brown-line Bright-eye Mythimna conigera C 23-07-2022
73.298 2193 Clay Mythimna ferrago A 23-07-2022
73.293 2198 Smoky Wainscot Mythimna impura A 30-07-2022
73.291 2199 Common Wainscot Mythimna pallens A 01-08-2024
73.301 2205 Shoulder-striped Wainscot Leucania comma A 26-05-2020
73.052 2216 Shark Cucullia umbratica B 23-07-2022
73.058 2221 Mullein Cucullia verbasci B 12-06-2022
73.22 2225 Minor Shoulder-knot Brachylomia viminalis B 23-07-2022
73.233 2232 Black Rustic Aporophyla nigra B 16-09-2020
73.202 2237s1 Grey Shoulder-knot Lithophane ornitopus B 06-11-2020
73.206 2240s1 Blair's Shoulder-knot Lithophane leautieri B 10-10-2018
73.069 2243 Early Grey Xylocampa areola A 14-04-2021
73.068 2245 Green-brindled Crescent Allophyes oxyacanthae B 08-10-2021
73.224 2247 Merveille du Jour Griposia aprilina B 05-11-2018
73.225 2248 Brindled Green Dryobotodes eremita B 20-09-2019
73.238 2250 Dark Brocade Mniotype adusta B 01-06-2017
73.235 2255 Feathered Ranunculus Polymixis lichenea C 01-09-2016
73.21 2256 Satellite Eupsilia transversa A 05-12-2022
73.195 2259 Dark Chestnut Conistra ligula A 31-01-2020
73.188 2265 Flounced Chestnut Anchoscelis helvola C 23-09-2017
73.187 2266 Brown-spot Pinion Anchoscelis litura B 11-09-2021
73.186 2267 Beaded Chestnut Agrochola lychnidis B 20-09-2022
73.219 2269 Centre-barred Sallow Atethmia centrago A 11-09-2021
73.193 2270 Lunar Underwing Anchoscelis lunosa B 24-09-2022
73.18 2272 Barred Sallow Tiliacea aurago B 20-10-2019
73.181 2273 Pink-barred Sallow Xanthia togata B 22-09-2007
73.182 2274 Sallow Cirrhia icteritia B 24-09-2022
73.046 2278 Poplar Grey Subacronicta megacephala A 17-07-2017
73.039 2279 Sycamore Acronicta aceris C 17-07-2017
73.04 2280 Miller Acronicta leporina B 09-05-2020
73.036 2281 Alder Moth Acronicta alni A 01-06-2017
73.0375 2284x Dark_Grey Dagger agg. Acronicta sp. A 23-07-2022
73.038 2284 Grey Dagger Acronicta psi C 18-09-2012
73.045 2289 Knot Grass Acronicta rumicis A 01-08-2024
73.047 2291 Coronet Craniophora ligustri A 14-06-2020
73.084 2293 Marbled Beauty Bryophila domestica B 01-07-2017
73.062 2297 Copper Underwing Amphipyra pyramidea A 30-07-2022
73.0625 2297x Copper Underwing agg. Amphipyra sp. B 23-09-2017
73.063 2298s1 Svensson's Copper Underwing Amphipyra berbera C 10-08-2013
73.064 2299 Mouse Moth Amphipyra tragopoginis C 11-09-2021
73.107 2300 Old Lady Mormo maura B 30-07-2024
73.102 2302 Brown Rustic Rusina ferruginea A 16-06-2018
73.109 2303 Straw Underwing Thalpophila matura C 22-07-1989
73.114 2305 Small Angle Shades Euplexia lucipara A 16-06-2018
73.113 2306 Angle Shades Phlogophora meticulosa A 04-09-2017
73.216 2318 Dun-bar Cosmia trapezina A 23-07-2022
73.162 2321 Dark Arches Apamea monoglypha A 01-08-2024
73.163 2322 Light Arches Apamea lithoxylaea B 10-08-2013
73.156 2326 Clouded-bordered Brindle Apamea crenata A 16-06-2018
73.155 2327 Clouded Brindle Apamea epomidion C 16-06-2018
73.154 2330 Dusky Brocade Apamea remissa B 23-07-2022
73.16 2335 Slender Brindle Apamea scolopacina B 10-08-2012
73.173 2337 Marbled Minor Oligia strigilis B 06-07-2019
73.1735 2337x Marbled Minor agg. Oligia sp. A 17-07-2022
73.175 2338 Rufous Minor Oligia versicolor B 23-06-1990
73.176 2340 Middle-barred Minor Oligia fasciuncula B 11-07-2020
73.172 2341 Cloaked Minor Mesoligia furuncula C 01-08-2024
73.171 2342 Rosy Minor Litoligia literosa C 10-08-2012
73.169 2343 Common Rustic Mesapamea secalis C 22-07-1989
73.1695 2343x Common Rustic agg. Mesapamea sp. A 01-08-2024
73.147 2345 Small Dotted Buff Photedes minima A 01-08-2024
73.131 2353 Flounced Rustic Luperina testacea A 01-09-2022
73.123 2361 Rosy Rustic Hydraecia micacea A 11-09-2021
73.136 2369 Bulrush Wainscot Nonagria typhae C 11-09-2021
73.101 2380 Treble Lines Charanyca trigrammica A 14-06-2020
73.096 2381 Uncertain Hoplodrina octogenaria A 17-07-2022
73.097 2382 Rustic Hoplodrina blanda A 01-08-2024
73.095 2389 Pale Mottled Willow Caradrina clavipalpis B 03-09-2021
74.008 2422s1 Green Silver-lines Pseudoips prasinana B 25-05-2017
74.009 2423 Oak Nycteoline Nycteola revayana C 20-05-2013
73.032 2425 Nut-tree Tussock Colocasia coryli A 26-05-2020
73.012 2434 Burnished Brass Diachrysia chrysitis A 11-09-2021
73.022 2439 Gold Spot Plusia festucae B 11-08-2021
73.015 2441 Silver Y Autographa gamma A 01-08-2024
73.016 2442 Beautiful Golden Y Autographa pulchrina A 23-07-2022
73.017 2443 Plain Golden Y Autographa jota A 09-07-2022
73.018 2444 Gold Spangle Autographa bractea C 10-08-2012
73.001 2450 Spectacle Abrostola tripartita A 23-07-2022
72.078 2452 Red Underwing Catocala nupta B 16-09-2020
72.084 2462 Mother Shipton Callistege mi C 05-06-1997
72.001 2469 Herald Scoliopteryx libatrix A 23-09-2024
72.067 2470 Small Purple-barred Phytometra viridaria C 09-06-2019
72.069 2473 Beautiful Hook-tip Laspeyria flexula A 17-07-2022
72.002 2474 Straw Dot Rivula sericealis A 21-07-2022
72.003 2477 Snout Hypena proboscidalis A 23-07-2022
72.061 2484 Pinion-streaked Snout Schrankia costaestrigalis B 03-09-2021
72.053 2489 Fan-foot Herminia tarsipennalis A 01-08-2024
72.055 2492 Small Fan-foot Herminia grisealis A 16-06-2018
1.005 5 Plain Gold Micropterix calthella C 30-04-2014
4.095 29 Pinch-barred Pigmy Ectoedemia atricollis C 09-10-2012
4.096 30 Strawberry Pigmy Ectoedemia arcuatella C 05-09-2015
4.099 34 Large Birch Pigmy Ectoedemia occultella C 09-10-2012
4.078 42 Hypericum Pigmy Fomoria septembrella C 28-07-2019
4.045 50 Golden Pigmy Stigmella aurella A 09-10-2012
4.043 63 Red Elm Pigmy Stigmella lemniscella C 02-10-2016
4.042 67 Scrubland Pigmy Stigmella plagicolella C 20-08-2022
4.035 68 Sallow Pigmy Stigmella salicis C 09-10-2012
4.032 75 Coarse Hazel Pigmy Stigmella floslactella C 09-08-2022
4.015 92 Rose Leaf-miner Stigmella anomalella C 06-11-2019
4.01 111 Nut-tree Pigmy Stigmella microtheriella B 09-08-2022
10.001 123 Oak Carl Tischeria ekebladella C 09-10-2012
10.003 125 Bordered Carl Coptotriche marginea C 18-08-2011
10.006 127 Rose Carl Coptotriche angusticollella C 01-08-2019
8.002 130 Feathered Leaf-cutter Incurvaria masculella C 30-04-2023
7.015 140 Large Long-horn Nematopogon swammerdamella C 16-06-2018
7.012 141 Sandy Long-horn Nematopogon schwarziellus C 12-06-2013
7.014 143 Buff Long-horn Nematopogon metaxella C 16-06-2018
7.005 145 Small Long-horn Nemophora minimella C 08-07-2017
7.001 148 Yellow-barred Long-horn Nemophora degeerella A 31-05-2020
7.006 150 Green Long-horn Adela reaumurella A 23-05-2012
7.01 152 Meadow Long-horn Cauchas rufimitrella C 14-05-2024
7.009 153 Little Long-horn Cauchas fibulella C 29-05-1989
6.001 158 Four-spot Lift Antispila metallella D 30-04-2014
6.002 159 Yellow-spot Lift Antispila petryi C 01-08-2019
12.032 246 Fulvous Clothes Moth Tinea semifulvella B 23-06-2012
21.001 263 Apple Leaf-miner Lyonetia clerkella B 18-08-2011
14.001 265 Crested Bent-wing Bucculatrix cristatella D 01-05-2005
14.012 275 Hawthorn Bent-wing Bucculatrix bechsteinella C 28-07-2019
15.002 280 Feathered Slender Caloptilia cuculipennella C 01-08-2019
15.01 288 White-triangle Slender Caloptilia stigmatella B 02-07-2011
15.012 290 Maple Slender Caloptilia semifascia C 02-10-2022
15.014 293 Common Slender Gracillaria syringella B 30-04-2014
15.015 294 Ribwort Slender Aspilapteryx tringipennella B 20-05-2013
15.028 303 Hawthorn Slender Parornix anglicella A 30-04-2014
15.029 304 Hazel Slender Parornix devoniella B 06-11-2019
15.03 305 Rowan Slender Parornix scoticella C 02-10-2016
15.043 323 Common Thorn Midget Phyllonorycter oxyacanthae C 09-10-2012
15.046 326 Brown Apple Midget Phyllonorycter blancardella D 18-08-2011
15.052 332 Hawthorn Midget Phyllonorycter corylifoliella C 09-10-2012
15.053 332a Firethorn Leaf-miner Phyllonorycter leucographella C 18-08-2011
15.063 341 Beech Midget Phyllonorycter maestingella C 30-04-2014
15.064 342 Nut-leaf Blister Moth Phyllonorycter coryli A 09-08-2022
15.075 353 Red Birch Midget Phyllonorycter ulmifoliella C 18-08-2011
15.078 356 Elm Midget Phyllonorycter tristrigella C 09-10-2012
15.081 359 Red Hazel Midget Phyllonorycter nicellii B 09-08-2022
15.086 364 Sycamore Midget Phyllonorycter geniculella C 04-07-2010
48.001 385 Common Nettle-tap Anthophila fabriciana A 01-09-2020
20.001 401 Larch-boring Argent Argyresthia laevigatella C 16-06-2018
20.011 410 Gold-ribbon Argent Argyresthia brockeella B 16-06-2018
20.012 411 Golden Argent Argyresthia goedartella A 10-08-2013
20.021 420 Cherry-fruit Moth Argyresthia pruniella C 16-06-2018
20.022 421 Hawthorn Argent Argyresthia bonnetella C 10-08-2013
16.001 424 Bird-cherry Ermine Yponomeuta evonymella A 01-08-2024
16.01 435 Brown Ash Ermine Zelleria hepariella C 01-09-2016
16.014 436 Copper-tipped Ermine Pseudoswammerdamia combinella C 20-05-2013
16.02 441 Hawthorn Ermine Paraswammerdamia nebulella C 10-08-2013
17.005 455 Wainscot Smudge Ypsolopha scabrella B 10-08-2013
37.006 491 Rose Case-bearer Coleophora gryphipennella C 02-10-2016
37.022 504 Osier Case-bearer Coleophora lusciniaepennella C 16-06-2018
37.032 515 White-legged Case-bearer Coleophora albitarsella D 01-05-2005
37.048 518 Meadow Case-bearer Coleophora mayrella C 16-06-2018
37.063 544 Gorse Case-bearer Coleophora albicosta C 20-05-2013
37.044 547 Lotus Case-bearer Coleophora discordella D 01-05-2005
37.106 560 Dark Thistle Case-bearer Coleophora paripennella C 01-05-2005
37.102 563 Yarrow Case-bearer Coleophora argentula C 02-10-2016
38.003 592 Basil Dwarf Stephensia brunnichella C 01-08-2019
38.023 595 Two-dotted Dwarf Elachista biatomella D 10-08-2012
38.025 597 Black-headed Dwarf Elachista atricomella C 16-06-2018
38.037 607 Little Dwarf Elachista canapennella C 16-06-2018
38.004 610 Swan-feather Dwarf Elachista argentella C 23-06-2012
38.005 611 Meadow Dwarf Elachista triatomea E 22-06-1930
38.015 620 Yellow-barred Dwarf Elachista gangabella C 16-06-2018
38.048 632 Field Dwarf Elachista consortella D 20-05-2013
28.01 647 Brown House Moth Hofmannophila pseudospretella A 15-06-2023
28.019 649 Sulphur Tubic Esperia sulphurella B 02-05-2022
31.001 658 Long-horned Flat-body Carcina quercana A 23-07-2022
29.001 663 March Tubic Diurnea fagella A 23-03-2021
32.036 672 Parsnip Moth Depressaria radiella C 08-07-2017
32.018 688 Common Flat-body Agonopterix heracliana C 09-09-2024
32.009 691 Small Purple Flat-body Agonopterix purpurea C 28-04-2019
32.017 697 Brindled Flat-body Agonopterix arenella A 16-06-2018
32.026 698 Straw Flat-body Agonopterix kaekeritziana D 05-06-1999
32.008 709 Large Purple Flat-body Agonopterix liturosa D 10-07-1950
35.058 726 Meadow Neb Metzneria metzneriella C 16-06-2018
35.081 731 Two-spotted Neb Oxypteryx atrella C 10-08-2013
35.141 765 Common Groundling Teleiodes vulgella C 06-07-2019
35.148 772 Elm Groundling Carpatolechia fugitivella C 16-06-2018
35.145 775 Barred Groundling Neotelphusa sequax D 01-05-2005
35.046 782 Dull Red Neb Bryotropha senectella D 10-08-2012
35.04 787 Cinerous Neb Bryotropha terrella C 10-08-2012
35.004 847 Silver-barred Sober Aproaerema taeniolella C 18-07-2016
35.026 855 Ash-coloured Crest Acompsia cinerella D 10-08-2013
35.107 859 Humped Groundling Psoricoptera gibbosella C 10-08-2012
35.031 868 Orange Crest Helcystogramma rufescens C 10-08-2013
41.002 873 Dingy Dowd Blastobasis adustella A 23-07-2022
41.003 874 London Dowd Blastobasis lacticolella A 23-07-2022
36.001 878 Poplar Cosmet Batrachedra praeangusta C 10-08-2012
40.011 880 Clouded Mompha Mompha langiella C 28-07-2019
40.013 882 Red Mompha Mompha locupletella C 04-07-2010
40.015 883 Little Mompha Mompha raschkiella B 02-10-2022
40.012 884 Brown Mompha Mompha miscella D 30-04-2014
39.001 905 Hawthorn Cosmet Blastodacna hellerella C 16-06-2018
43.005 914 Copper Owlet Scythris subcinctella C 08-07-2017
49.097 936 Straw Conch Cochylimorpha straminea C 16-06-2018
49.109 937 Common Yellow Conch Agapeta hamana A 01-08-2024
49.11 938 Knapweed Conch Agapeta zoegana A 01-08-2024
49.12 947 Yarrow Conch Aethes smeathmanniana D 02-07-2011
49.111 954 Marbled Conch Eupoecilia angustana C 16-06-2018
49.136 965 White-bodied Conch Neocochylis hybridella C 17-07-2020
49.139 966 Black-headed Conch Cochylichroa atricapitana C 27-05-2012
49.024 969 Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix Pandemis corylana A 26-09-2021
49.025 970 Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix Pandemis cerasana A 01-08-2024
49.023 971 White-faced Tortrix Pandemis cinnamomeana B 16-06-2018
49.026 972 Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix Pandemis heparana A 23-07-2022
49.013 977 Large Fruit-tree Tortrix Archips podana A 02-08-2021
49.028 986 Dark-barred Tortrix Syndemis musculana A 12-06-2013
49.021 987 Yellow Larch Tortrix Ptycholomoides aeriferana C 16-06-2018
49.031 989 Timothy Tortrix Zelotherses paleana B 23-07-2022
49.035 991 Obscure Tortrix Clepsis senecionana C 24-04-2019
49.038 994 Privet Tortrix Clepsis consimilana A 29-11-2020
49.039 998 Light Brown Apple-moth Epiphyas postvittana A 03-10-2022
49.029 1002 Large Ivy Tortrix Lozotaenia forsterana B 23-06-2012
49.009 1007 Common Tortrix Capua vulgana C 12-06-2013
49.004 1010 Red-barred Tortrix Ditula angustiorana A 02-08-2021
49.091 1011 Yellow-spot Tortrix Pseudargyrotoza conwagana A 16-06-2023
49.051 1021 Flax Tortrix Cnephasia asseclana C 05-06-1999
49.049 1024 Light Grey Tortrix Cnephasia incertana C 01-05-2005
49.043 1026 Autumnal Shade Exapate congelatella B 05-11-2018
49.06 1032 Yellow Oak Button Aleimma loeflingiana B 16-06-2018
49.059 1033 Green Oak Tortrix Tortrix viridana A 16-06-2018
49.062 1036 Maple Button Acleris forsskaleana B 01-08-2024
49.066 1038 Dark-triangle Button Acleris laterana C 27-07-2024
49.069 1041 Ashy Button Acleris sparsana B 26-09-2021
49.07 1042 Rhomboid Tortrix Acleris rhombana B 19-10-2020
49.084 1045 Rusty Birch Button Acleris notana C 10-08-2013
49.077 1048 Garden Rose Tortrix Acleris variegana A 26-09-2021
49.071 1062 Notch-wing Button Acleris emargana A 01-09-1930
49.161 1063 Barred Marble Celypha striana A 15-07-2021
49.166 1076 Common Marble Celypha lacunana A 21-08-2018
49.154 1087 Woodland Marble Orthotaenia undulana B 23-06-2012
49.15 1093 Birch Marble Apotomis betuletana A 23-07-2022
49.214 1126 Common Roller Ancylis badiana C 13-08-2017
49.237 1144 Black-brindled Bell Epinotia signatana C 10-08-2013
49.234 1150 Brown Elm Bell Epinotia abbreviana C 16-06-2018
49.223 1159 Holly Tortrix Rhopobota naevana B 10-08-2013
49.279 1169 Common Cloaked Shoot Gypsonoma dealbana B 01-08-2024
49.292 1174 Yellow-faced Bell Notocelia cynosbatella A 23-06-2012
49.294 1175 Bramble Shoot Notocelia uddmanniana A 23-07-2022
49.298 1176 Triple-blotched Bell Notocelia trimaculana A 16-06-2018
49.297 1177 Common Rose Bell Notocelia rosaecolana C 16-06-2018
49.295 1178 Summer Rose Bell Notocelia roborana B 10-08-2012
49.288 1183 White-foot Bell Epiblema foenella D 02-07-2011
49.285 1184 Thistle Bell Epiblema scutulana B 06-05-2011
49.286 1184a Knapweed Bell Epiblema cirsiana C 19-05-2020
49.284 1186 Colt s-foot Bell Epiblema sticticana C 20-06-2015
49.289 1187 Ragwort Bell Epiblema costipunctana C 05-07-2015
49.266 1200 Bright Bell Eucosma hohenwartiana B 17-07-2020
49.265 1201 Hoary Bell Eucosma cana A 17-07-2020
49.304 1207 Pine Leaf-mining Moth Clavigesta purdeyi D 10-08-2012
49.307 1212 Spotted Shoot Rhyacionia pinivorana C 16-06-2018
49.345 1219 Red Piercer Lathronympha strigana B 10-08-2013
49.367 1236 Acorn Piercer Pammene fasciana B 01-08-2024
49.347 1241 Triple-stripe Piercer Grapholita compositella C 23-06-2016
49.349 1242 Dark Gorse Piercer Grapholita internana D 13-05-1930
49.325 1255 Grey Gorse Piercer Cydia ulicetana B 22-07-1930
49.341 1260 Marbled Piercer Cydia splendana A 01-08-2024
49.379 1272 Orange-spot Piercer Pammene aurana C 18-07-2016
49.321 1273 Common Drill Dichrorampha petiverella C 10-07-1929
49.322 1276 Silver-lined Drill Dichrorampha plumbagana C 10-05-2019
49.312 1280 Downland Drill Dichrorampha consortana D 01-05-2005
49.309 1285 Lead-coloured Drill Dichrorampha plumbana C 16-05-1998
44.001 1288 Many-plume Moth Alucita hexadactyla A 26-09-2021
63.08 1293 Garden Grass-veneer Chrysoteuchia culmella A 23-07-2022
63.081 1294 Inlaid Grass-veneer Crambus pascuella A 15-07-1930
63.086 1301 Hook-streak Grass-veneer Crambus lathoniellus A 06-07-2019
63.088 1302 Satin Grass-veneer Crambus perlella A 02-07-2011
63.093 1304 Straw Grass-veneer Agriphila straminella A 11-08-2022
63.089 1305 Common Grass-veneer Agriphila tristella A 01-08-2024
63.09 1306 Barred Grass-veneer Agriphila inquinatella A 18-07-2016
63.095 1309 Elbow-stripe Grass-veneer Agriphila geniculea B 26-08-2022
63.099 1313 Pearl Grass-veneer Catoptria pinella A 23-07-2022
63.102 1316 Chequered Grass-veneer Catoptria falsella B 10-08-2013
63.121 1329 Pale Water-veneer Donacaula forficella C 02-08-2021
63.066 1333 Meadow Grey Scoparia pyralella A 16-06-2018
63.064 1334 Common Grey Scoparia ambigualis A 16-06-2018
63.067 1338 Little Grey Eudonia lacustrata A 23-07-2022
63.073 1340 Ground-moss Grey Eudonia truncicolella A 16-06-2018
63.069 1342 Narrow-winged Grey Eudonia angustea A 26-09-2024
63.074 1344 Small Grey Eudonia mercurella A 01-08-2024
63.114 1345 Brown China-mark Elophila nymphaeata A 01-08-2024
63.116 1354 Small China-mark Cataclysta lemnata A 01-08-2024
63.057 1356 Garden Pebble Evergestis forficalis A 03-09-2021
63.006 1361 Small Purple & Gold Pyrausta aurata A 14-05-2024
63.007 1362 Common Purple & Gold Pyrausta purpuralis A 01-08-2024
63.008 1363 Scarce Purple & Gold Pyrausta ostrinalis D 25-05-2000
63.005 1365 Straw-barred Pearl Pyrausta despicata C 18-04-2021
63.003 1367 Silver-barred Sable Pyrausta cingulata D 30-04-2014
63.025 1376 Small Magpie Anania hortulata A 01-08-2024
63.033 1388 Pale Straw Pearl Udea lutealis A 10-08-2013
63.034 1390 Dusky Pearl Udea prunalis A 17-07-2022
63.037 1392 Olive Pearl Udea olivalis A 14-06-2020
63.031 1395 Rusty-dot Pearl Udea ferrugalis B 10-08-2013
63.052 1398 Rush Veneer Nomophila noctuella B 23-07-2022
63.038 1405 Mother of Pearl Patania ruralis A 01-08-2024
63.054 1409a Box-tree Moth Cydalima perspectalis C 30-07-2024
62.075 1413 Gold Triangle Hypsopygia costalis C 03-08-2019
62.001 1428 Bee Moth Aphomia sociella A 16-06-2018
62.035 1439 Grey Knot-horn Acrobasis advenella A 23-07-2022
62.037 1440 Marbled Knot-horn Acrobasis marmorea D 02-07-2011
62.029 1452 Dotted Oak Knot-horn Phycita roborella A 01-08-2024
62.028 1454 Dark Pine Knot-horn Dioryctria abietella C 01-08-2024
62.048 1470 Ash-bark Knot-horn Euzophera pinguis A 01-08-2024
62.065 1474 False Cacao Moth Ephestia woodiella B 16-06-2018
62.054 1481 Twin-barred Knot-horn Homoeosoma sinuella C 06-07-2019
62.058 1483 Ermine Knot-horn Phycitodes binaevella B 02-07-2011
45.027 1492 Scarce Light Plume Oxyptilus laetus C 06-07-2019
45.01 1497 Beautiful Plume Amblyptilia acanthadactyla B 15-08-2024
45.011 1498 Brindled Plume Amblyptilia punctidactyla B 16-06-2018
45.012 1509 Brown Plume Stenoptilia pterodactyla C 23-07-2022
45.033 1510 Thyme Plume Merrifieldia leucodactyla C 06-07-2019
45.03 1513 White Plume Pterophorus pentadactyla A 23-07-2021
45.041 1520 Small Golden-rod Plume Hellinsia osteodactylus C 23-07-2022
45.037 1523 Dusky Plume Oidaematophorus lithodactyla E 09-09-1929
45.044 1524 Common Plume Emmelina monodactyla A 06-09-2024

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